The Workplace Dilemma: Who, What, and Where?

The workplace dilemma has evolved from its original intended meaning as a result of the pandemic. Back then, a workplace dilemmaOpens in a new tab. would refer to productivity issues, dating among employees, and low salaries. 

Today, we address the workplace dilemma by identifying who we are talking about, what aspect of the workplace is in need of improvement, and where the workplaceOpens in a new tab. actually is. Is the digital workplaceOpens in a new tab. the new normal? Are there still concerns arising from employees with bad behaviorsOpens in a new tab.? Can workplace burnoutOpens in a new tab. be measured the exact same way we used to?

Current Workplace Trends

– Nearly 60% of Americans are working from home

– Studies link workplace wellness to employee productivity

– Employees have a greater expectation that companies will take stands on important issues.

– An Increased Expectation of Flexibility – in Work Location and Work Time

– Enhanced Support of Employees for Engagement and Retention

– Increased Expectation of Employer/Organizational Social Responsibility

– Demographic Changes

– Expected Workforce Reductions and Closings

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Who Is Involved in the Workplace Dilemma?

Everyone is involved when we talk about the workplace dilemma. Problems arising from minor disputes to inter-office discrepancies all fall under it. Whether it be an issue of ethics, morality, or inclusionOpens in a new tab., every company must be capable of sorting out the situation.

When it comes to conflict, a centralized business unit or department must be ready and able to knock down these challenges. Although there are times when supervisors and upper management are able to find workarounds to disputes, it is the core responsibility of the Human ResourcesOpens in a new tab. department to ensure workplace harmony. 

The common issues that the Human Resources team face include the following:

Workplace flexibilityOpens in a new tab.

Workplace experienceOpens in a new tab.

Workplace analyticsOpens in a new tab.

Workplace fatigueOpens in a new tab.

Workplace cultureOpens in a new tab.

Workplace feedbackOpens in a new tab.

The concerns mentioned above are effectively handled when Human Resources considers workplace observationOpens in a new tab. and workplace knowledgeOpens in a new tab., both of which present key indicators that could determine where potential problems or benefits may arise.

Where is the Workplace?

This aspect is the most evolved out of all. When you come to think of where the workplace is, you would come to realize that productivity and goals no longer originate from the traditional workplace setting. 

In response to safety protocols and as a result of higher employee satisfaction, there are now several locations that provide opportunities not just to get the work quota done, but also to strike a good work-life balance. These locations include the following types:

Remote WorkOpens in a new tab.

Connectivity-based WorkplaceOpens in a new tab.

CoworkingOpens in a new tab.

Hot-deskingOpens in a new tab.

Work from HomeOpens in a new tab.

Hybrid WorkplaceOpens in a new tab.

What Does the Future Workplace Look Like?

I discussed the future of the workplace and the concept of “triple bottomline” with Neil Usher over at YouTube. In this interview, we discussed several key elements, including:

– GoSpace AI and its benefits for a productive workplace

– Triple Bottomline: People, Organizations, and Planet

– The evolution of business decisions and standards of contribution

If you want to take a look at how industry leaders perceive the future of the workplace to be, check out the full interview at in a new tab.

How has the workplace dilemma evolved over the past year? 

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Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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