Understanding the Concept of Corporate Real Estate and How Things are in 2021

A lot of things are happening in the corporate and commercial real estate sectors. News articles regarding recent commercial corporate real estate transactions in New YorkOpens in a new tab. have surfaced. Century 21 Real Estate was awarded the number one fastest-growing real estate franchiseOpens in a new tab., and several more articles showed concerns about bankruptcy, fraud, and debtOpens in a new tab. in the corporate real estate space.

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However, what should we take away from the concept of corporate real estate? Let’s discuss the important aspects of corporate real estate from general standpoints to understand better how we can approach and dissect the topic into its smaller constituents.

Corporate Real Estate and Franchising

Franchising is typically understood as a surefire business package that would allow both new and old entrants into the business space with an effective and market-tested business model. This is why many people are flocking to the major market leaders in trending industries such as the food industry, tech industry, and online shopping industry. They attempt to acquire franchise rights or, at the very least, learn to mimic the effective strategies that made them so successful to this day. 

In the world of real estate, franchising can be seen as a viable, long-termOpens in a new tab. approach to scalable growth. This notion is justified by the following:

– The collection and unification of financial assets and resources, commonly from marketing and technology funding projects

– Tested and proven systems and approaches that have been in the market for several years

– Recognition by consumers and potential investors of a world-renowned brand or brand image

– Major opportunities for business opportunities such as licensing, partnership, and added franchising 

Corporate Real Estate and the Transition to a Seller’s Market

Whether it be retail, commercial, or corporate, the real estate sector seems to be inching closer to becoming a fully-realized seller’s marketOpens in a new tab.. This is a condition in which demand far outweighs the supply, giving sellers almost unlimited control over the pricing of certain real estate items. 

The waiting list of buyers across the globe is growing and growing day by day, making it difficult for these prospective buyers to scope out a steal-price piece of real estate. The difficulty is apparent, especially when we observe highly developed real estate areas and projects built primarily for conversion into commercial purposes. As a result, end-users have to shell out more money on top of their intended budget for the purchase.

How is Corporate Real Estate Viewed in the Digital Age?

Digital transformationOpens in a new tab. is now the king of buzzwords. We are in an age where the pandemic has wiped off most of the traditional functions and activities. We shifted from normalcy into an almost brand new perspective, and this does not exclusively apply to the corporate real estate space. We can see the pandemic’s effects around the world in virtually every aspect of life. 

Keep this in mind when choosing the correct corporate real estate brokerOpens in a new tab.. Look for someone who has the technical know-how to adapt to the changes we are experiencing and the changes that are yet to be experienced.

For companies and corporations that are not yet caught up to speed, real estate management, just like almost every other industry, is shifting more and more to digital platformsOpens in a new tab.. From small businessesOpens in a new tab. to long-standing market leaders, and even to those innovative start-up companies as well as up-and-comers, now is the time to understand and take full control of the digital space and how it can benefit you in terms of corporate real estate management. 

For starters, business owners and top-level decision-makers should learn more about corporate real estate technologyOpens in a new tab. and how systems can be integrated or can replace more traditional strategies or platforms. These new and refreshed systems can assist with documentation, accounting, automation tasks, and many more relevant activities, significantly boosting company output and employee productivity. 

What excites you about the real estate digital age?

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Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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